Kennard Law P.C.

We used to represent the largest companies in the country. Now we beat them.

When judges or opposing attorneys need an employment lawyer or top-shelf litigator with years of trial experience and a no-nonsense approach, they send them to Kennard.  We represent CEOs and Executives of publicly traded corporations, professional athletes, managers, laborers, and anyone that has been screwed by those more powerful and a broken system.  And, we win.  There is no case too big or small.  We have recovered over $85,000,000.00 dollars for our clients and counting.  

Board Certified Labor and Employment, Houston, Texas

Employment Law / Litigation / Securities / Small Business

At Kennard Law P.C., we provide the following legal services.

Employment Law - Board Certified since 2010

Kennard handles every single aspect of employment law and has been doing so for over twenty (20) years, both as counsel for mega-corporations and since 2010, for individuals and small businesses.  Alfonso Kennard is widely considered to be one of the best employment lawyers in the country, and is a regular speaker and guest at nationwide conferences and major news and television outlets.  There is no employment case we can't handle. We handle some of the largest and most controversial cases in the country.  

Wrongful Termination - You deserve respect

For many, they contact us after never having had experienced a wrongful, illegal termination.  We make it easier and hold bad companies and actors responsible.  While Texas and several other states are "at-will" employment states, there are many exceptions to the rule that an employer can fire you for no reason or any reason.  These are highly technical cases and the lawyer you choose makes a difference.  Judges and long-time defense lawyers respect Kennard and send their family and friends to us when they need help--and they've seen all the lawyers that handle these cases.  They can send them to anyone.  They send them to us.  

Civil Litigation - Federal, State, Appeals, Supreme Court

Kennard handles high stakes Civil Litigation all over the United States and Texas.  These include business disputes, securities fraud litigation, and more.  If it happens in a civil courthouse and the stakes are high, Kennard has the experience, tenacity and guts to take on any civil dispute.  We prefer to accept cases that involve fraud, malfeasance, theft, corporate abuse, cases that could help the public, collective actions, and class actions.  We want to make a difference.  There’s enough evil in this world.  We help the good guys.  

Keeping your Small Business safe - Advice + Counsel

We represented the largest companies in America.  You deserve the same level of service.  Let our experience work for you.  We understand cost and budgets are important to any small business, which is why we offer reduced flat fees for small business owners.  We will serve as your outside general counsel, for those smaller companies that do not have their own in-house attorney.  Our job is guide you, be available to your team, assist with decisions that may have legal implications, keep your company out of the courtroom, and fight like heck those times where litigation and trial are absolutely necessary.  

EEOC Cases - Fighting Racism one case at a time

Kennard handles the entire EEOC process on your behalf.  We have a "fast pass" to get your Charge filed and started.  Some people have to wait six months or more just to get an appointment.  We work with the EEOC daily and often convince the employer to mediate your case so that you can move on with your life more quickly, with your dignity and money in your pocket.  Discrimination and retaliation are still a commonplace in this country.  It’s sad.  But also, it’s illegal.  We guide and handle your claims through this process and attempt to get your matter resolved along the way to help you avoid having to go to court and file a lawsuit.  However, sometimes that’s inevitable. We will be ready if and when it’s time to take that final step. 

Right to Sue? - We are ready to go to court for you.

If the EEOC has sent you a Right to Sue determination letter, you have a short window to file a lawsuit before you lose the right to file in court.  Kennard has tried discrimination and retaliation cases all over the country in state and federal courts.  These cases are difficult and complex.  We level the playing field.  

Employment Contracts - Review + Advice + Negotiations

Kennard drafts, reviews, and gives counsel on employment contracts of all levels.  We have reviewed agreements for CEOs, professional athletes, doctors, lawyers, coaches, managers, and independent consultants and contractors.  

Severance Agreements - Review + Negotiations

It is important to have a Board Certified Labor and Employment attorney review these documents before you ever sign anything.  You may be leaving money on the table, and you might be signing something that could haunt you later.  Never sign a severance agreement without having it reviewed by experienced counsel first.  Kennard regularly negotiates amounts much higher than what was originally offered. Don't let them off for cheap, especially if your own rights have been violated.  

Non-Competes - We beat these all the time

Most people should never be given non-competes to begin with. Restrictive covenants, non-solicits, and non-disclosures can make you feel like you're stuck.  Kennard has beat these against scrupulous employers all over Texas courts.  Agreements must meet very strict and certain requirements.  Most of the time they do not, but greedy employers don't care and would rather see you fail.  We fight back.  And win.  

Whistleblowers - Years of success in huge cases

We have represented some of the largest whistleblowers in the country.  These cases are complex.  Kennard brings years of experience to qui tam cases in federal court.  Also, you cannot be retaliated against because you stood up for what is right.  You're not the bad guy for exposing fraud and theft.  We will stand with you and for you.  

Unemployment hearings - You deserve what's fair

It's bad enough you were fired illegally--now they want to contest your unemployment? If you were fired and it was not for misconduct, you are eligible for these benefits.  We take it personally when employers try to kick someone while they are down.  

Wage and Hour - Overtime and Minimum Wage

Honest pay for honest work.  Employers must pay non-exempt employees time and a half for every hour worked over forty (40) in a given workweek and must pay the minimum wage. We have won some of the largest cases in Texas.  Companies that violate these laws must be held accountable and get nervous when they see us coming.  

Start-up Business Help - Advice and Litigation

You worked hard to start your own business.  We fight for entrepreneurs.  When everything is at stake, we will guide you every step of the way and serve as your outside General Counsel.  We strive to keep you out of the courthouse.  We will sue those that screw you over.  We provide advice and counsel on a flat fee basis.  We make it easy to keep you in compliance and out of the courthouse.  Our Founder regularly mentors entrepeneurs both informally and formally through the Stanford University Graduate School of Business and the University of Notre Dame Mendoza College of Business.  

Discrimination - We don't Like it. We fight against it.

No one deserves to be terminated or retaliated against because of their race, gender, national origin, disability, or age. It's also illegal to subject you to a hostile work environment for these reasons. We fight back.  

Hostile Work Environment - You deserve fairness

You cannot be subjected to an adverse employment action because of your protected class membership or for having raised discrimination issues in the workplace. Hostile work environment is a form of retaliation, and can also occur because your employer has illegally chosen to discriminate against you and wants you to quit.  We step in and make it stop or get you out of there with a golden parachute.  

Disability - It can happen to anyone

Any employer that chooses to terminate or demote someone with a disability will have to deal with us.  Disabilities, both mental and physical, can strike someone at any time.  Employers have a duty to engage in an interactive process so that you may work with or without an accommodation.  Oftentimes, they outright fail to do so.  That's illegal, just as much as firing you for it is.  We strike back.  We also regularly handle high profile, national cases involving first responders that developed PTSD in the line of duty.  We are helping write law on mental health disability right now and our experts on the subject.  

Sexual Harassment - Not so fast

The laws have changed for the better recently.  We handle all types of sexual harassment cases at Kennard, and have successfully helped clients, both male and female, all over Texas and the country against these predators.  We not only go after the company that allowed it and often-times covered up, but also against the individual bad actors.  This is getting worse, and we will fight for you.  You are victim, plain and simple.  Sexual harassment is an abuse of power and can be in the form of "quid pro quo"-- seeking to give benefits in exchange for sexual favors or for the disgusting acts of abuse.  We can help.  

Work Injuries - You deserve a safe workplace

If you were injured at work, we can help.  Even if your employer is a worker's comp subscriber, there may be other entities that should and can be held responsible for your injury.  If you were fired for filing a worker's comp claim, we will fight for you as allowed by Section 451 of the Texas Labor Code. If your employer is not a "subscriber," they can absolutely be held responsible for their own negligence or for not providing a safe work environment.  If it happens at work, we can help you. 

Shareholder Rights / Securities Law

Everyday investors and traders, sometimes referred to as "Retail Investors" are often taken advantage of, manipulated, or otherwise defrauded by large institutions and nefarious Wall Street actors.  We have years of experience analyzing and watching market forces that exist to the detriment of "mom and pop" retail investors.  We provide options and guidance to fight back when Wall Street bad actors take advantage or violate Dodd-Frank and other laws intended to protect investors.  

Publicly Traded Corporation Fraud Litigation

We represent CEOs, CFOs, CDOs, CTOs, and management against market actors that attack these individuals who have been forced out for whistleblower activity or removed by bad actors for nefarious reasons relating to our client's desire to stand up to and against fraud.  We represent individuals that have identified stock market fraud that impacts their own portfolios.  We believe in Main Street and in helping those that value fairness and equality in the markets.  

Unwavering Conviction

Anyone that fights for others must also be willing to fight for themselves.  We do.  When a Minnesota-based cloud services provider attempted to scam the Firm, we fought back in their backyard. Kennard, who had never even sought to be admitted or licensed in Minnesota was somehow "suspended" by the Bar for two weeks for representing himself. We fought back. Unwavering conviction for the truth. When a small group of former clients got together to attempt to tarnish our work online (they were later found to have lied about their entire story in court) in a coordinated, many years long cyberstalking campaign against the Firm--for not getting them the "millions of dollars" they "deserved," we fought back. Unwavering conviction for the truth. When the Firm's landlord, the New York billionaire Cohen Brothers, refused to repair the ceiling that lead to extensive water damage and mold in the suite--making our employees sick--we sued them. Unwavering conviction for the truth.  We will not do for others what we are not willing to do for ourselves.  We do not concern ourselves with reputation; we concern ourselves only with our character. We aren't perfect, but we are top flight at what we do. That's why we will never succumb to evil actors that seek to spread fear, uncertainty, or doubt about us or anyone we represent. Standing up for yourself against those that unlawfully seek to do you harm is not easy--it's hard, frustrating, challenging--and can even come with reputational hits created by those same bad folks that want to see you fail.  We won't let them get away with it. We know that firsthand, which is why we will always fight passionately for your truth, just as we do for ourselves--because it's the right thing to do.  Unwavering conviction for the truth, fairness, decency, respect, redemption, and justice. 

We are ready to help you.
Connect with us.

Board Certified Labor and Employment Lawyer

About Kennard Law P.C.

Kennard is one of the most highly sought after Firms in the Country dedicated to labor and employment law matters.  We actually go to court.  And win.  We help CEOs, top-level executives and well-known celebrities, as well as everyday people that deserve better.  Entrepreneurs that want to do things right come to us when things get tough.  We believe in a fair system and civil rights.  We believe that small business is the backbone of America and need top-flight protection.  We've pissed off some powerful folks and institutions over the years, and we wouldn't have it any other way.  If you know, you know.  We are ready to help.  

Board Certified Labor and Employment Legal Team

Meet the team

We used to represent multi-national companies as BigLaw defense counsel.  We believe that everyone should have access to quality legal representation, so since 2010, we took the fight to the companies and governmental institutions we used to represent.  We are a team of professionals highly respected by those in the know, and hated by those with questionable morals.  Our parents raised us right.  We won't back down from a fight.  We know what's at stake.  

Alfonso Kennard, Jr.

Alfonso Kennard, Jr.

Managing Shareholder

High Stakes Litigator. Board Certified in Labor and Employment Law. Multi-Million Dollar Advocates Forum. AV Rated. SuperLawyer. Civil Rights Advocate. Graduate of the University of Notre Dame (President, Class of 1999) and St. Mary's University School of Law (Student Body President), and Stanford University Graduate School of Business (LBAN). Top 100 National Trial Lawyers. Regular guest expert on Fox, ABC, NBC, and Univision. Teaches employment law at national seminars. Legal Expert for Fox 26 in Houston. Mentor to entrepreneurs at Stanford University. Houston Luxury's "Power Attorney" for Employment Law. Mr. Kennard regularly represents clients against large corporate, state and federal entities. He may be the only lawyer in America suspended for two weeks by the Bar for representing himself (yes, anyone is allowed to represent themselves, even lawyers). He must be doing something right. As lead counsel and with a national team of co-counsel, represents a prominent whistleblower in one of the largest False Claims Act cases in the country relating to private billing at the University of Texas Health System. The damages alleged exceed $1 Billion. In his personal time, Mr. Kennard, a recovered alcoholic, focuses on his family, redemption, personal growth and helping other lawyers that seek redemption. His motto is: "Recover loudly for the benefit of those that suffer in silence." He has two dogs, plays tennis, studies mindfulness practices, and is a regular at any activity relating to his children.

Eddie Hodges, Jr.

Eddie Hodges, Jr.

Senior Associate Attorney

Fighting for the rights of employees all over Texas and beyond. Helping small businesses succeed. Years of intense litigation experience at Kennard. Employment law experience all over the country. Mr. Hodges holds degrees from Bowling Green State University and Texas Southern University--Thurgood Marshall School of Law. He is licensed in the State of Texas since 2019 and admitted to practice in federal courts all over the country, and is a Certified Mediator.

Sara Miguens

Sara Miguens

Pre-Litigation Case Manager / International Attorney

Sara Miguens is originally from Buenos Aires, Argentina, a law graduate from the University of Buenos Aires in 2021, joined Kennard Law in 2023 to assist clients in all facets of the Firm's representation required prior to filing a lawsuit. Prior to joining the Firm, Sara spent several years at the Honorable Chamber of Deputies of the Nation, contributing to the creation of new laws. Sara is licensed to practice law in Argentina only, and works with our U.S. licensed lawyers in developing creative strategies for early case resolution. Sara is a running enthusiast and a registered athlete. Her commitment to long distance running runs parallel to her professional efforts to go the distance for our clients.

Agostina Steier

Agostina Steier

Senior Litigation Case Manager / International Attorney

Agostina, with over 5 years of legal experience, and licensed in Argentina only, assists our US licensed attorneys and Firm clients navigate the complex litigation process. She holds a law degree from Universidad Argentina de la Empresa, and joined us in 2023. Agostina particularly enjoys the analytical side of law, a passion which guides her in assisting Kennard Law clients in the trial and litigation process. Agostina enjoys both strength training and tabletop roleplaying games. Her passion for strength, strategy, and community is what makes her successful in her role as a litigation support specialist and why our clients love interacting with her.

Josep Garcia

Josep Garcia

Litigation Case Manager / International Attorney

Josep graduated with a law degree from the University of Santiago de Cali in 2023, is licensed in Colombia only, and joined the Firm in 2024. He assists our US attorneys in all facets of the litigation process and works with clients to help move their cases expeditiously in the litigation process. Josep’s passion for law intertwines with a love for fitness, tv shows, diverse reads, and an eclectic mix of music genres. He takes a finesse approach to working with our attorneys to meet client needs in the challenging areas of trial preparation.

Jesse Beall

Jesse Beall

Client Success Manager / International Attorney *

Jesse is a graduate of the University of San Pedro Sula, having earned a BS in Computer Science and Business Administration in 2009, and currently pending finalization and admission to the Bar (*) in his native Honduras only, and assists our US attorneys in facilitating active communication with the Firm and its clients. Jesse is a hands-on Client Success Manager at Kennard who strives to keep our clients informed, and serves as a liason between clients and their legal team. He also utilizes our vast technological resources to enhance efficiency and quality of content within the Firm. Jesse is as an avid reader who enjoys delving into the imaginative worlds crafted by Stephen King, Brandon Sanderson, and George R.R. Martin. He is a proud pet parent to a Husky and three cats. Jesse works hard to utilize our cutting-edge technology use to enhance the client experience, and is constantly seeking knowledge and embracing the intersection of technology, law, and literature.

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Houston, TX 77056

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